When I did the Tech Pixies Sparkle and Thrive Podcast…

This was a career highlight. Already.

I was invited onto the Tech Pixies Sparkle and Thrive podcast last year with the Founder and a hugely inspirational mentor of mine, Joy Foster.

Pinch me now.

The Tech Pixies programme (for those of you that don’t know it) gives women the skills in social media, and way more in order to up-skill, change careers or start a business. And I’ve done just that.

In the podcast I talk about the effect it had on my confidence and ability to take the ‘quantum leap’ to start on my own, a dream I’d wanted to realise for quite some time.

I found out about Tech Pixies through the wonderful Deborah Khan. If you haven’t read her book ‘She’s Back’ you 100% should! 

I attended an event that she was speaking at and had the opportunity to talk to her. She gave me some great advice when I wanted to leave my job and become self employed which was:

“Play the long game! Don’t quit your job (yet) – Go on the tech pixies course and really think through what you want to do.”

I pretty much did what she said and the results within 6 months of starting my business were nothing short of transformational for me and my family. 

One of the questions Joy asked me in the podcast was: ‘What is the future?

Now this was on the 19th October 2021 when I was 6 months in and in a good place for a startup. This is what I said:

  1. Total rehaul of my website to really tell people what I do
  2. Invest in myself again, this time to qualify as a coach to support women with their brand story
  3. Get some help and start to build a team 

One year on in 2022 – did I do all of this….? 

Check, check, check ✅

That makes me feel very happy to reflect on those goals. I genuinely couldn’t have done it without the investment in the program and the incredible Tech Pixies Community.

In the Q & A at the end,, I talk about reaching potential clients on Instagram, how important my weekly email is to my business and how I have built that list using lead magnets including my very well received ‘Branding Board’ that I created to support women who are starting their own creative process.

You can listen to the full episode now (there’s a link in my bio) and head over to the @techpixies feed for more inspirational stories of women who have transformed their lives by upskilling in social media with this course.

If you have any questions about Tech Pixies or  you are feeling a bit stuck in your career and want to go it alone (but seriously overwhelmed) please reach out. I have been there and will ask you one of the questions Joy asked me in those early transitional days – What’s the worst that will happen? 

p.s – I do genuinely believe that Anything is Possible with an injection of confidence, new skills and a supportive community. Do you?

p.p.s If you have the opportunity to participate in a podcast or a live on social media – Do it! As scary as it may seem initially, it’s an amazing outlet to tell your audience about your brand story, straight from the heart. Trust me, you won’t regret saying yes!

Here’s the link to watch the full episode LIVE Podcast

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