Starting a business can be overwhelming, especially for women who’ve been employed and are now becoming solopreneurs with ‘all the hats’ to wear. But I am constantly inspired by the (now 100’s of) women I’ve worked with over the past 3 years. Here are some stories from female founders who are more confident than ever in their businesses:
The growing business owner: Heidi, founder of an online parenting course platform
Heidi’s business as an expert Baby Sleep Coach, was already super successful, but she was looking to grow her business into a full range of parenting support with online courses. She needed a new brand that reflected this evolution. Through a combination of getting super clear on her vision with brand coaching questions, we’ve built a versatile identity for the future. I love it when clients get excited about the future of their brands because the creative vision is now clear:
“You were brilliant at just taking the blurb in my head and going with it. The brand looks so strong and such nice comments from everyone, I can’t wait to see where it all goes…. “
So what did she do? She expressed her vision, drove it forwards with passion and commitment and relaunched her business with confidence.
(Check out Positively Parenthood here)
The powerful pivoter: Lucy, from Virtual Assistant to systems and projects expert
Lucy came to me through a recommendation; with lots of ideas buzzing and skills-a-plenty, what was next? After several lightbulb moments during a Brand Coaching session, the clarity and confidence came next, with a deeper understanding of who she wanted to connect with, and why. With the purpose sorted I then helped Lucy with some social media templates so she could get her message out there with ease and consistency.
Seeing the motivation that comes from these moments is incredible:
“You spoke to my soul! The coaching call put a fire in my belly! My only regret is I didn’t know Julia earlier. I feel like she’s totally transformed my mindset and I am excited for the future of my business.”
So what did she do? She consistently got her message out there, no more feeling held back, this was time to show how much her business has changed and evolved and what a success it will be.
(Find out more about Lucy and her services here)
The launch of something special: Joanne, Reiki Healer
Jo is brilliant and radiates her nurturing energy. She wanted to spread her joy and skills of healing further, but became stuck when it came to creating a website. Being able to meet face to face, visiting her gorgeous treatment room, and inspired by her crystals and jewellery I crafted a brand identity that meant Jo could
“This feels like the beginning of something very special. It makes me feel I’ve made a massive step forward, it’s lovely to see it finally come alive.”
So what did she do? She’s going bravely and boldly; regularly posting her content, building an audience and confidently connecting with her local community for opportunities. Goodbye overwhelm! What a mindset shift.
(If you are interested in Reiki and live in the Hertfordshire area – look Jo up)
What do these female founders have in common? They all faced challenges, but they didn’t let those challenges hold them back. They focused on providing value to their customers and audience, and they built relationships with.